Salespeople... Stop Boring Your Clients!

blog Sep 06, 2021
Salespeople... Stop Boring Your Clients!
"Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours."
Dale Carnegie

Raising the bar, going above and beyond... What has happened to the "icing on the cake" sales experiences?

Attention to everyone in sales...

What kind of memories and experiences are you creating for your clients?

Let's take a moment and investigate the definition of boring...

  • Causing or marked by boredom; dull and uninteresting; tiresome:
  • A boring discussion; to have a boring time.

Now, think about your clients... What types of discussions are you having with them? What types of experiences are you creating for them? How would they describe your conversations with them?

B2B means Business to Business, not Boring and too Bland

The sales world continues to swim in deep the red ocean. On one side of the coast, we can call this mediocrity and on the other side of the coast, we can call this indistinguishability.

Learn to swim in the deep blue ocean called sales professionalism, and watch what happens to trust, loyalty, and consistent repeat business.

How many of you are you making your clients yawn? What's even worse is how many are just ignoring you?

At this very moment in time...

How many in sales and leadership would even know if their
clients are bored with them?

Believe me or not, many of your customers have been lulled into a sense of boredom. For some, they have been doing business with you for so long that they become numb to the experience, and they settle for boring.

Then one day a shiny new sales professional comes along that pays attention to them, listens to them, and delivers an "icing on the cake" experience; helping them realize they have options.

"Boredom is the root of all evil – the despairing refusal to be oneself."
Soren Kierkegaard


Boring sales reps sell products. Sales professionals sell experiences.

Boring sales reps believe they really know their clients. Sales professionals dig in and learn as much as they can about their clients.

Boring sales reps have nothing new to add to their clients because their talk is product-centric. Sales professionals consistently provide new ideas, new insights and continually strive to help their clients do better business.

If you’re not careful and client-centric, it’s easy to fall into habits that deliver client disinterest.

Sales professionals breathe life into their client relationships.

Innovative, insightful, and inspirational sales professionals dedicate themselves to newness.

It's this commitment that keeps their clients coming back for more and referring them more often to others.


Boring sales reps focus their attention on simply generating the next sale. On the flip side, a sales professional focuses on building long-term client relationships.

A transactional mindset and the associated behaviors can be felt by your clients. I promise at some point you'll be replaced by a better transactional conversation.

Boring and transactional oriented sales reps provide no reason for their clients to remain loyal.

How likely will they do business with you again if you continue to deliver a transactional type of experience?

"Boredom is only for boring people with no imagination."
Tim Tharp

Are you putting your imagination to work in delivering an outstanding client experience?


Uninspiring sales reps lack vision, clarity and breathe no value into their lifeless relationships.

Sales professionals have an inspiring vision fueled by emotion. This vision lights a fire within their clients that ignites passion, creativity, and collaboration.

A consummate sales professional continually evaluate themselves to improve their results and to become better at what they do?

Boring sales reps struggle to clearly define themselves and their vision.

If you are struggling with clearly seeing and casting your vision, then it will become difficult to help your clients navigate to business betterment.


Boring sales reps wrap themselves up with self-delusional thoughts regarding how much their clients love them.

Furthermore, the relationships that many in sales believe they have with their clients is not nearly what their clients believe it to be.

To be relevant you need to understand their wants, needs, tensions, desires, and aspirations. You see, uncovering all of this takes some work and dedication.

In today's sales world, relevancy is not an option.

Boring sales reps struggle to answer:

  • Am I going the extra distance for my clients?
  • Am I serving my clients proactively?
  • Am I developing a deep, genuine concern for my clients?
  • Am I looking out for my client's best business interest?


In an environment that is becoming increasingly competitive, you must focus on building meaningful relationships with your clients.

Let's face reality, your clients have choices.

  • You must become genuinely interested in their business
  • You must be on the lookout to help them do better business
  • You must connect with meaning rather than just contacting them to sell them something or waiting for them to contact you.

What are you doing to engage and build community with your clients?

Allow this quote to sink in...

"Bore, N. A person who talks when you wish him to listen"
Ambrose Bierce
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